thoughts of a
Retired Curator

Now working towards
Tower Maven-hood

"You do not become a Maven overnight"

41 Years at The Royal Armouries in the Tower of London is just the start

Recent Posts

Marcovitch cigarettes - Quality not Quantity.
Published: Punch, 3 November 1920 This 1920 advertisement might seem out of place in the Smoking Gun gallery.  The gun reference lies in the rather old...
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A splendid place to spend a happy day - Front - Web Size
‘A splendid place to spend a happy day’
The 1870s Tower welcome. This is probably one of the earliest photographic images of Yeoman Warders that ended up in popular circulation – albeit 30 years...
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02 - Maxim - ILN 13 January 1900 p60
Ogden’s “Guinea-Gold” - Maximizing the brand
In January 1900 Britain was at war again in the South Africa and Ogden’s re-deployed their 1897 Maxim gun advert, suitably updated and unsubtle in its...
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Three Nuns
Tobacco Inaction
As the reality of 20th century warfare engulfed civilian life, advertisers had to decide how best to deal with it. Most bit the bullet weaving wartime...
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06 - The Smoke of Battle - Punch 1917
The Smoke of Battle
A E Horne’s illustration reflects the reality of war as three Tommies snatch a moment of peace in a shared smoke, cigarettes and warfare inextricably linked,...
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PlayersNavyMixture Web
Stirring Memories revived
Is the plump evening -suited chap, pipe firmly clamped, recalling his South African War service of the previous decade, his Officer Training Corps days...
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Site Changes- Corrections and Additional Content,

Added Content under the Images in the Ogden Maxim Gallery

Updated Maxim PowerPoint

Initial Release